To live up to the reasoning why I design, I design following a few simple rules:
Dare to be different.
I use aesthetics, interactions and my choices and actions to push the limits of design conventions. Being a multi-disciplinary designer allows me to integrate knowledge from different design disciplines into a more distinctive design. I use different approaches and design standpoints and try not only to think as a designer, but also as an artist, architect or marketeer.
As a designer, I need to be very curious. Always. I am always very intrigued to discover new things that happen around me. During this discovery, I always try to interrogate and analyze why something is designed the way it is designed. And only then, I can discover the reasoning of good design.
Make it
Consumer behaviors are ever changing, due to technological, social and economical developments. Product and service design allows me to affect that behavior and to adjust or change the existing product interaction. The best design is a design that triggers the most relevant interaction for the user. Users will only adopt if the interaction is very simple and extends the natural interaction.
To be able to come up with valuable designs it is important to reframe the problem and to ask the right questions. If I am asked to design a lamp I try to think about what is a lamp exactly? I always try to come up with my own inter- pretation and definition of the product. These kinds of designs will bring value to the user.
Reframe the problem.
Reframe the problem.
To be able to come up with new and valuable designs it is important to reframe the problem and to ask the right questions. If I am asked to design a lamp I try to think about what is a lamp exactly? I always try to come up with my own interpretation and definition of the product. These kinds of designs will bring value to the user.